The Haskell Tool Stack for Multi-Package Projects
I organize my coding in projects, which include several packages, but are managed in a single git repository; a single repository coordinates changes in different packages to be able to reproduce consistent states of the code. In this blog I want to document methods to deal with such arrangements using the new Haskell Stack build methods and postpone a discussion of such Multi-Package Project organization for another time.
The Stack project is an effort to overcome one of the major impediments of complex Haskell projects. Haskell packages are versioned and cabal and the linker check
- the dependencies between packages and their versions, assuring that an acceptable version of a dependent (used) packages is present
- from each package only one version is present in the build.
It may be difficult to find a set of versions of the required packages, which are consistent; finding such consistent sets is partially automated by cabal install. Two major issues are observed:
- solutions are not really reproducible and may change by actions outside of the programmers control (e.g. new package version appear)
- the algorithm may not find an acceptable solution; with some tricks and detective work, a solution can be found, sometimes not - the frustration is known as "cabal hell"
Haskell Stack overcomes these impediments by proposing curated sets of package version which are known to fit together; these are known as snapshots or "lts" and are imported from Stackage (similar to importing data about versions found on Hackage in cabal).
Using the Haskell Tool Stack starts following the installation guidelins is installing a complete Haskell environment in locations different than what GHC and cabal usually uses (i.e. you get a new copy of ghc in ~/.stack)
Directories used
- ghc and other global things go into ~/.stack
- binaries go into ~/.local/bin (the result of getAppUserDataDirectory)
The guidelines to install stack and to run a simple new project are easy to follow and work; in the following, I assume an installed stack.
The example project used here consists of two packages, a and b, a is a library (and a test suite), b is an executable using some of the functions in a.
Stack relies on a stack.yaml file, which for this project is
flags: {}
extra-package-dbs: []
- a
- b
extra-deps: []
resolver: lts-8.2
This fixes the snapshot to lts-8.2 (newest in march 2017 would be 8.5), which uses ghc 8.0.2 (lts-7.20 is the latest for ghc 8.0.1, for others see on stackage). As long as the resolver for a project is not changed, the same versions of packages are used and the build is repeatable.
The difference to a single package project stack.yaml file is to replace for packages the entry
packages:with the names of the package directories.
- "."
Extending the multi-project test with a subdirectory with libraries m and n (in the librarySubdir branch) requires additions to stack.yaml
flags: {}Stack builds the project and updates the required parts after updates automatically.
extra-package-dbs: []
- a
- b
- libs/m
- libs/n
extra-deps: []
resolver: lts-8.2
Autocompletion for stack requires
eval "$(stack --bash-completion-script stack)"
which can be included in .bashrc